Hi, I’m Carlyson — I help build strategic solutions for products, digital experiences and brands with purpose in people’s lives.
✦ Currently Senior Product Designer at QuintoAndar and living in Alagoas, Brazil.
Creatives, increasingly at home due to the pandemic, are unable to reconcile their professional and personal lives, lose productivity at work and time for hobbies.
A personal project to interview successful professionals who have a defined routine, with examples of time management and task organization. In addition to understanding how your day to day work works.

All interviews are conducted according to each hour of the day. And what the interviewee does at each moment.

The identity and color palette was set to calm, like the sunrise.

Approximately 50% of property owners contract directly with tenants and QuintoAndar only had a model where a property management fee was charged.
We created a new business model where the owner manages his own property, allowing flexibility for the owner and reaching a large unexplored market for QuintoAndar. See more about the project here.

Understand the market and present possibilities to all customers.

During the registration of the property, the owner compares and chooses which model makes the most sense for him.

The identity and experience of online stores did not match the positioning of brands and did not have a fluid journey in the online shopping process.
Understanding Artwalk (uban/street) and Authentic Feet (style/woman) consumers and transmitting the current identity for a new online shopping experience.

Authentic Feet
We created special pages for featured sneakers, with product details, testimonials and a unique experience and identity in ecommerce.

Calendar with upcoming sneaker releases.

Mathilda Studios — Raivo
Raivo is a robot learning game being produced by Mathilda Studios. It still didn't have a defined online positioning.
We created a website explaining the game's strategy, experience and gameplay. With details about elements and characters.

Details of the robot characters.

We brought the game's identity to the website, with spatial elements and an emphasis on characters.

Santos FC
Santos FC, one of the biggest Brazilian football teams, was looking to enter the digital collectibles market and needed an experience for an audience that was still unfamiliar with technology.
We created a platform for buying, selling and exchanging NFTs with a fluid and simple journey, using local currency and a simplified purchase process.

Santos FC
Journey of multiple exchanges of combos and NFTs.

Santos FC
Multimedia player with images, videos, audios and full experience of Santos FC NFTs.